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2011 Sep 10: JCCS #7 (Queen Mary, CA)


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Thanks for those pics. I wish I could have made it this year. Its amazing that all these cars I remember as a kid are not so prevalent anymore.

One good thing about Japanese car owners...if these were Italian or German cars, the owners would have been packing up at the first sight of rain. It looks like everyone hung in there and had a great day.

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Hi Lance, No pics of Red car unfortunately. I think there were too many people around it to get a good shot.

Here are a couple more pics. I like the Tan Z, looks like the old 510 tlight tan color. Thought it was cool

Tan with all the black accents....I like that very much. nice..

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I'm working my way through the hundreds of photos I shot on Saturday. Here's a link to the Flickr photo set that I'm constantly updating:


I retract that earlyer statement on wanting the s20 motor...I want that whole car.

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6179/6142366024_be0b59d7d4_b.jpg sigh....

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You must be talking about this one. I couldn't figure out what the dryer hose was for :-|

That one is mine. The dryer hose is being replaced with a smaller silicone hose and will have 6 (Air jets) if you will, that go into the front of the filter housing. 1 for each intake port. the hose runs up to a electric blower, only about 2 to 3 psi which is behind the grill. The dryer hose was a test just to see if it would even wotk and it does. I dont really know if it adds any power, but it does keep fresh cool air to the engine.

it was just something i was messing with, guess I have to much time on my hands, LOL.

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That one is mine. The dryer hose is being replaced with a smaller silicone hose and will have 6 (Air jets) if you will, that go into the front of the filter housing. 1 for each intake port. the hose runs up to a electric blower, only about 2 to 3 psi which is behind the grill. The dryer hose was a test just to see if it would even wotk and it does. I dont really know if it adds any power, but it does keep fresh cool air to the engine.

it was just something i was messing with, guess I have to much time on my hands, LOL.

Very interesting. I thought that might be the purpose. It really got me to thinking about the possibilities of an electric powered turbo, at least for low RPM's. I was thinking of a motor/blower similar to those high velocity hand dryers, only running on 12V. Definitely need an alternator upgrade for that. Would probably need some type of vaccuum operated gate to bypass the electric turbo at higher RPM's as I don't think the electric could keep up. Just my thoughts - may have to toy with that some day.

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Check out 'ERAM" units. I think its e ram .com. They are a bit costly for what they are but look like they would work pretty well depending on the set up you use. You can also put them on a micro switch activated by your throttle pedal so it turns on at certain times. I love the McGiver type mods that make you use your imagination and creativity. or that could just be because of budget restraints, LOL, either way check em out.

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