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Weird Myths or Facts about your Z car


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An ex-coworker thought it was too bad that I didn't get a rotary equipped ZX. When I told him that Nissan didn't equip their cars with Wankels, he became far too insistent that he was right, and I was not...

I reminded him that it was Mazda that installed rotary engines in the RX line of cars, to which he agreed...and then said "yeah, and in their datsun line too"

I just shook my head and walked away...

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Some good myths and comments, here's one more:

My client checked out my car and said something like "you know, it has the same motor as the chevy six." I felt a little insulted (no disrespect to the 230, got one in my truck - torquey little beast but won't wind like the 240 without a full-race build) so I rattled off what little I knew - 7 main bearings, overhead cam, duel sidedraft carbs. Wish I'd said this: "you know a lot about cars. Think I hear a noisy lifter. Can you help me find the side cover?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Didn't really expect to start an etymological discussion, but the Urban Dictionary's definition of "bad arse" is pretty much what I had in mind, and I am equally sure it was what the passer-by also had in mind.

Though for a car, probably want to include "fast.";)


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The problem was that the only definitions available were on the Urban Dictionary website, which uses urban slang to define everything, so it doesn't make sense at all. But it seems that the term is based solely on looks, which is a subjective thing.

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I'm not sure this one is a myth or true. That is the L6 design was bought from mercedes. Anybody?

I read in an old Road and Track that it was modeled after the Mercedes engine. Which means that they chopped it by two cylinders for the 510, then added them back for the Z, I guess. Short of an exact duplication, I have no idea how one would conclude that one engine was based on or modeled after another. But that's why there are experts.;)


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  • 2 months later...
I read in an old Road and Track that it was modeled after the Mercedes engine. Which means that they chopped it by two cylinders for the 510, then added them back for the Z, I guess. Short of an exact duplication, I have no idea how one would conclude that one engine was based on or modeled after another. But that's why there are experts.;)



Edited by olzed
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