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Reproducing Posters & Banners


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I have an extensive collection of Old Datsun posters and banners from the 1960s and 1970s. Some have a copyright date and/or printing date. Others have a publisher and/or artist name. Some have no date or name markings. Some were issued by Nissan, some by independent companies. Others have no reference to who issued them.

Other than Nissan, I have not been ascertain who may own a copyright or trademark or have any other "right" to the images, graphics, or text.

I would like to know the the guidlines/laws related to reproducing these for limited circulation.



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You'd best talk to a copyright attorney, not a group of car nuts on the Internet. I don't think I trust an online forum for advise if legal action and/or fines might be involved if you do it wrong.

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I think reproducing them for anything other than your own amusement could lead to problems. Someone, somewhere, still owns the rights to the artwork/pictures. I speak from experience.

Several years ago, as editor of an international Porsche club publication, I included a reprint of a 25 year old magazine advertisement for a product that included a picture of a Porsche. Generally, I always got permission before reprinting something, but this time I didn't as I thought, "What could go wrong?".

Within a couple weeks, I had a call from the photographer who originally took the picture used in the product ad. He still owned the rights to the picture and requested that my lawyer call his lawyer to work out payment for unauthorized use of his work.

What was the chance of that happening? About one in a bazillion! I learned a powerful lesson. I suggest you take a little time and use the internet to track down the owner of the rights and request permission to copy. I've never had a rejection, when I asked for permission.


Edited by psdenno
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