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Useless info.

1 Bravo 6

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Here's something for the useless information file.

I quote from SUNCORP COVER STORIES, issue 4--Autumn 2004.

SUNCORP, one of Australia's biggest insurance companies recently carried out a survey which showed that;

"Contrary to the myth of being ditzy and accident prone, blondes could in fact be the nation's best drivers. As well as having fewer crashes than others, they were least likely to be the victims of road rage and second least likely to feel rage toward other drivers.

But the study failed to rule out the steriotype of the fiery tempered redhead, with flame haired women turning out to be the most likely of all respondents to "see red" on the road.

As a group, blonde men and women came out on top in the driving stakes, with only 56 percent having ever been in a crash.

Best drivers of all were black haired women with only 47 percent ever being involved in a car accident. Red and black haired men tied for the title of the most car accident prone.

While blonde women were the least feisty on the roads with only 59 percent stating they had ever felt rage on the road, redheaded women perpetuated the most road rage with 92 percent stating they had felt anger toward other drivers. Red haired women also seemed to attract the most anger from other drivers.

Interestingly, red haired men were the nicest of all on the road with nearly three quarters stating they had never felt anger at other drivers. Black haired people as a group had the highest rate of road rage with 89 percent saying they had felt rage at other drivers".


"Before you go rushing for the blonde hair dye, we should tell you that while SUNCORP is always looking for trends to see if there are ways to reduce our pricing, there is absolutely no intention to introduce hair colour as a rating factor for motor insurance".

HMMMMMM, they don't mention us brown haired types. Perhaps we were just TOOOOOO GOOOOOD !!!!.


:devious: :devious:

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Originally posted by 1 Bravo 6


HMMMMMM, they don't mention us brown haired types. Perhaps we were just TOOOOOO GOOOOOD !!!!.


:devious: :devious:

Nor did they mention the No-Hair types either LOL


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Well they figure that since the no hair type didnt fit in, they had to much rage to test LOL Do to not having any hair at all.

Kinda like Will.ROFL Peaple driving get blinded be the reflection on top of there heads and it couses more wrecksROFL

Just kidding Will. I dont evan know if your bald or not:stupid:

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No Hair types will tell you that they're more stealthy. Less hair means less drag, hence faster speeds, leading to more tickets and finally being dropped by your insurance company.ROFLLOL


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Id forgotten that one LOL

Also gives the marshens somthing to shoot at.ROFL just follow the glare!

I better shut up now. My dads the only member of the family besides us kids that isnt going bald. But his is turning white, At forty! Guess being married with kids like me will do it to youROFL

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This obviously shows that the Irish woman's temper has intimidated Irish men into submission, resulting in Irish men being meek and compliant. In conclusion, red hair genes combined with estrogen creates a road raging, abusive, wild eyed Tasmanian devil. Did I mention that my wife has red hair? Better change my password to this site again. :dead:

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