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I went 0-112mph in 1.76 seconds tonight!!


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WWWWOOOOOOOOO HHHHHOOOOOO!!! Now this is what I call a vacation!!

I got to ride the best ride in the world tonight in Kissimmee Florida off US 192 next to Old Town beside Disney World.

It's a steam driven catapulted Mustang drag car!! It applies the equivalent of 3000 HP to the race car!!!!!!!

This thing is incredible!!

I had a .04 RT on a Pro tree and turned 112 mph in 1.76 seconds in 200 feet and then you stop in less than 2 seconds!!!!

You guys HAVE to visit this ride the next time you come to Orlando!!

They strap you into a five point harness and then you line up next to another identical car and off you go!!

I got beat the third time by a girl that worked there! She had an .03 light against my .05 .

She won $200 bet from the ride owner when she cut a .00 to his .01 light!!

The catapult compensates for weight to get identical times and you can take your kid along with you in the passenger seat as long as he is over 52 inches tall.

I did it three times and the first time was just a frightening scare!!!

The second and third time was even better as I knew what to expect!

This ride is faster than an F14 on takeoff !!!

You pull 4.5 G's BUT the ride is capable of 7 G's but is limited to 4.5 G's due to possible eye damage from the incredible fast stops!!!!

AIN'T NOTHING like it and if I was a RICH man I'd ride it every day!!

Oh yeah it costs $30 ,but if it's slow they let you ride for $20 and then $10 to go every time thereafter!!


Here's the website!!



12.804 @ 107.26 mph on Street Tires N/A 2.9L Dual SU powered


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I love Old Town. I'd rather go there than Disney, Epcot, MGM, Universal Studios or any of those tourist traps. I've seen that ride at Daytona Speedways Annual Turkey Rod Run Car Show. Old Town has a great car show every weekend. Friday nites are for 73 to present (no showroom stock, yee haw) and Saturday nite is for 72 and older. Massive amounts of fine rides, great live bands, beer, food, shops and a small canival for the kids. Old Town will even open the venue for certain car clubs. Would like to get all the Z car clubs of Fla to go some time. I saw an all Bricklin car show there one time. Remember those god awful cars. Sorry for the ramble. $30 a ride seems kind of pricey but I'd do it once, twice, ah what the hell. I also love the go carts they have there. Scott got thrown off for driving a little to reckless, poor tourists LOL


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I agree .I spent two days at Universal and at least FOURTEEN HOURS WERE SPENT STANDING IN DAMN LINES!!!

I told my wife and kid I AM NOT going there again!!

My Kid rode THREE times the rides in three hours at Old Town than at Universal in 2 days!And it only cost $15 total for her to ride them!

I wish they had one of those dragcar setups in NC!!


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