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Speedo swap (280 into 240)


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I was offered a speedometer with mph and km/h out of a 280Z and as it is nice for me here in Germany to have the actual speed in km/h at hand (expensive pictures here)

My question: Can i put a 280 speedometer into a 240 without a problem, or will the reading be wrong, etc???


Best regards.




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It should read the same.  The speedometer drive gears in the transmissions are the same so the cable will be spinning at the same speed.

On the other hand though, some 240Z gauges are not the same size as 280Z, I think.  Not sure which.  But if you can get it in the dash and the cable connected it should be as accurate as the 240Z gauge.


Forgot to say, the fonts are probably different.  A no-no for the purist.

Edited by Zed Head
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It will work. You will have to swap the guts and face of the 280 gauge into the 240 housing. The housing are different and mount in the dash differently. Other than that the 280 speedo will read just fine.

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