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Toilet humour

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A bloke walks into a public toilet where he finds two cubicles, with one already occupied.

He enters the other one, closes the door, drops 'em and sits down.

A voice then comes from the next cubicle,"G'day mate, how're you goin'"

Thinking this is a bit strange but not wanting to be rude he replies,"Yeah, not too bad thanks".

After a short pause he hears the voice again, "So, what are you up to mate ?".

Again answering reluctantly, but unsure what to say, replies, "Ahhh, just having a quick poop. How about yourself ?".

He then hears the voice for the third time......"Sorry mate, I'll have to call you back, I've got some d#*^head next to me answering all my questions".


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Good one. Similar to when you see a nice looking girl waving at you and you give her your most handsome smile and wave, then you see the boyfriend walking behind you and waving. All that wishful thinking gone to waste. Victor.

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whats worse is with all the technology we have now you cant even see the cell phones in broad daylight. People will walk around talking to people with earpieces in looking right at you and you cant see a damn thing. Now how the hell are you supposed to know he wasnt talking to you when he/she is looking right at you and saying hi?

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