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ZCON 2017 Update

Mike W

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Wanted to provide everyone on the forum a quick update on ZCON 2017 in Austin, TX.

ZCON 2017 in Austin, Texas is only four short months away!

Yoshihiko Matsuo, designer of the 240Z under Mr. K. will be in attendance. Matsuo-san and Mr. K. spearheaded the movement that brought us the original Z.

Toshio Yamashita, designer of the 300ZX will also be joining us. Yama-san has given some amazing presentations in the past years regarding the development of the timeless 300ZX Z32.

Want to meet these designers in person? What are you waiting for? Put in your vacation days and register today to take advantage of early bird pricing through April 1st!

See zcon.org for registration and schedule information!

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