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918 Orange (PPG)


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Has anyone painted their 240Z the 918 Orange using PPG paint? I believe the PPG color code is 60636.

Was it close to the original color right out of the can?..or did you modify it to match?

Edited by Rich1
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PPG lists this color as "Mexican Orange"--I've also seen it labled 'New Sight'--but can't recall where.

How consistent are PPG colors across their product lines? Is there a color difference whether you use Deltron or Omni?

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Paints are constantly in a state of flux. As new paint brands are introduced, so are the tints. Not sure how the chemists do it, but for "legacy" vehicles the old color formulas must be recalculated. I figure after several paint generations what was once "1971-73 Datsun 918 Orange" may not be what PPG would mix up today.

I have a Hood Inspection Lid from an original 918 Orange car that I compounded and polished out to use as a reference when I paint my car (if I choose Orange). I can take it by my local auto paint store and have them read it on their color analyzer and compare it against their current PPG Deltron/Delstar formulations for accuracy, if you'd like.

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