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L24 head installation

Al Squillante

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I can't say I recall which way I spun it to loosen, but I'm pretty sure it's threaded the normal way. The trick is finding some way to lock the sprocket in place so you can put enough force through that bolt to loosen it up. I *do* remember working up a pretty solid sweat getting it off.

Good luck!


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That sprocket bolt is a right hand thread. Try "shocking" it loose with a quick smack on the 19mm wrench using a steel hammer or a dead blow hammer. That is the best way if you don't have a air impact wrench.

- Jeff

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There are bosses in the middle of the cam that you can lock onto with a pair of vise-grips. Then make sure that you have a soft surface (block of wood) for them to jam against (not the head).

The last step is to apply liberal torque to a 19mm socket drive


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I want to thank Santamaus, Jeff and Ben

I finally was able to get the bolt holding the sprocket on loose. A long bar and a lot of hits with a hammer while holding the shaft with a vise grip. No damage . I finally got the head bolted on and installed the spocket to the chain after I torqued the head down. Much to my suprise the sprocket slid right on . The wood chock I used held the chain in place .

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