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2003 Shortest Day Navigational Trial


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Hi guy's

Time to shake up the Rally Forum and get rid of some cob webs.

It's been a while since we had a rally discussion, so I'll fire it up.

Although Australia based, Victoria particularly, I thought I would give this event a plug, [mainly because I'm directing it, so anything is fair game!]

and who knows maybe I might see some other zeds cruising around in this.

The 2003 Shortest Day Navigational Trial is combined with the in-augeral Historic Rally Association All Bitumen Tour.

It is being held on Sunday 29th June and entries are now being accepted for either the event or tour.

The Event is based on a 200km Navigational Trial, comprising some of the better bitumen and gravel roads West of Melbourne. Starting at 10am, crews will be dispatched at 1 minute intervals with pre-plotted instructions.

The Trial is expected to take most crews 5 hours to complete.

The Tour is designed as an introductory navigational event with all crews given pre-plotted and complete idiot proof instructions [i may regret writing this as experiance dictates that nothing that is given to a rally crew is idiot proof] :stupid: . The Tour is all Bitumen with some great stretches and hill climbing over windy roads.

This would be an ideal tour for any zed heads in Victoria who just want to get out and have a drive.

Entry to the Trial is restricted to CAMS 2NS Licence or higher, while the Tour is restricted to any member of a CAMS Affiliated Car Club. Entry fee being $50AUD for either the Tour or the Event.

If there are any Vic's out there that would like to run contact me ASAP as the fields are limited. [The Shortest Day 2001 sold out].


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