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About filletsunruly

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  • Member ID: 28618

  • Title: Registered User

  • Content Count: 12

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  • Joined: 11/20/2013

  • Been With Us For: 3803 Days

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  • Age: 43



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  1. We are expanding our business soon. I wonder if anyone here has a knowledge about the disaster recovery services for possible loss of data ? Our manager would want to get ready and realize to invest for this aside from focusing on our products and services. We considering a provider for these services to ensure us improvements and solutions for unexpected data loss. I haven’t check it online yet. Please let me know what you exactly think about it.
  2. Hello! Thanksgiving is an important day to share the blessings we received the whole year. Another thanksgiving day will be in US this November. It's a great time to give appreciations once again for the harvest of the previous year. Looking forward for an exciting day everyone!
  3. I am not obsess, but I am a fan of the walking dead. I enjoy watching it every sunday night.
  4. A friend of mine influenced me a lot lately this days. He is really into energy conservation and recycling. I appreciate him talking about this days though at times I find everything too idealistic. Yesterday, while we were driving around, he told me to consider a more "nature-friendly" kind of fuel to use instead. I did not give it a thought before but I am actually considering it. Can you give me any inputs about this kind of fuel? Is it more expensive/efficient than the regular ones?
  5. Just once or twice a week, but the meetings tend to stretch depending on how complex their website situation is. I am still not convinced that a temporary office, like the ones my friends are convincing me to rent out with them is the best option for me at this time. My business is just starting out, so I am not really in a hurry, but I do not to figure out how to be more productive - otherwise, my business will not take off
  6. Nice one re business card, Kurbycar32! My wife gets 1 Saturday a month to herself for her "troubles" although she has not taken her day off in about 2 months. A couple of friends who are also starting their own small businesses have proposed to get a temporary office and we share the expenses. Still contemplating this - in the meantime, the wife will continue to be a reluctant assistant / secretary.
  7. I definitely need to set up a home office or at least get a small office for my (very) small business. I am not getting much work at home and my wife is getting tired of being my secretary - answering my work phone calls. I am also tired of conducting meetings at Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, McDonalds, etc. Does anyone else have a home office? How do you do it!
  8. Too bad I was not able to visit Toyota Museum when I went to Nagoya 5 years ago. I visited for business and pleasure on the side. I wonder what I can do in Mizushima and Chiba instead? Any suggestion?
  9. I think there are companies that are too profit oriented. Quality of airbags are very important as it protects us. If this is in fact, defective, disabling it will not solve the problem in my opinion.
  10. Hi everyone! I'm a newbie and I'm looking forward to learn from you guys. Cheers
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